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$ npx geekyorion

Generate your own npx <your_username> card easily with provided configurations. 😃 Fork & get started and leave a star ⭐ to this repo

NOTE: Do not install this package as a global package i.e. npm -g geekyorion. Always use npx geekyorion to view the card as this package won’t be used as any other command

available scripts


file name path usage
index.js src/ entry point file / to generate the output
card.js src/ to read the output
boxen.config.js src/config/ boxen color, bgColor, style, etc configuration
chalk.config.js src/config/ chalk configuration for various methods
io.config.js src/config/ io provide the path of output file
boxUI.js src/user/ boxen js user defined UI options
data.js src/user/ user data with configuration
createConsoleString.js src/utils/ creates the console string which need to be saved as output
io.js src/utils/ to read and write the file to the output location
output bin/ output file which needs to be displayed

config files:

How to publish your own card:


MIT Copyright (c) 2022 Shashank Sharma (geekyorion)